Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Nov 12- Nov 20…………..
Well, Its been a while since I blogged and I know I promised last week that I would actually blog and actually add numbers to my phone….. I have failed you all! Really I have!!
Nac trip 1
Monday Nov 12th.. went to the clinic for normal nst testing……. Daniel refused to cooperate for the monitoring so we ended up heading to the hospital around noon…… then had to fight with them to get them to go faster …. apparently a.s.a.p. does not mean anything to them!! so starting at noon it was hell…………. had an ultra sound after being checked in them had to walk to L & D then was monitored there were the nurse just gave up and held the monitor on him for 20 mins………… was stuck there till almost 5 due to them delivering a baby ………. not mine but someone else's LOLOL……… then finally released and send home…….. Did find out that it meant I was not needed to come back on Thursday for monitoring after heading to Galveston on Wednesday…….. weight loss of 1.5 lbs…..(yay right?!?!?!)
WE woke and left around 5 am…… Not too bad.. thinking we would hit a ton of traffic…… well……. We missed it…. Yay! But…… we were also 3 hrs early!!!!!!! drove around bored for about 2 then decided we were going to go to our OBGYN appt early….. which they took me back about 30 mins early……
got weighed in. another loss of about 1.5 lbs……(I was getting excited now!!!)
got vitals done then got moved from that room to another… they were gonna get him on the NST ……………so they thought…….. well My baby boy Daniel Reason has now been dubbed Ninja baby! =) he is so active!!! Which they LOVEEEEE but he does NOT want to cooperate on an NST for nothing!!! SO…… after idk how many mins they decided I was going to be rushed to the level 2 ultrasound earlier……. (appt was at 1130 for dr and 3 for u/s) this was bout noon now…… so many hr in drs office with them trying to get him to behave…… Oh and let me make you mamas jealous.. UTMB has a great habit of having “recliners” for you to take your NST in!! OMGGG sooooo comfortable!!!
SO, from 7th floor to 3rd floor we went(after sneaking in a quit bite of a sammy and some pork rinds…. I was a starving diabetic!!!!!!) well Good news is……. There is NOTHING wrong or showing up with the ventricles in his brain!!!!!!! PRAISES BE TO GOD ALMIGHTY!!!!! I cried when she said that!!!!!!! NOTHING WRONG!!! Shocker was…………. His estimated weight is 7 lbs 14 oz………. 8 freaking lbs!!!!! at 32 weeks 6 days!!!! Is this possible!!!! OMG!!!!!!!
From there due to drs previous orders I was sent for monitoring at L&D……… soo……….. so back in the van drive around the building (it was so much easier than having to be wheeled…….) on elevator up to another floor and walk around the corner…… well we get there im put on nst…… he kind of behaves for them….. then its swab swab swab………….
swabbed for the stds……. swabbed for the normal swab at 36 weeks to see if I need the antibiotics( cant remember what the test is yall sorry!) swabbed for UTI…..swabbed for a few more things too…… then checked my cervix….. still high and closed and firm etc.. NO changes. yay and boo. LOL!!! so they tried to keep me… yeah right…… why did they want to ?? to monitor and control my sugars!! HELL NO!!!! I ended up signing out AMA cause that lil dr was STUPID……………. she said they wouldn’t touch Daniel or take him out util 39 weeks no matter what. yeah right!!!!!!!!!!!! she thinks is my sugar causing all the issues.. YEAH RIGHT!!!!!!!! anyways…. so AMA I signed and home I came again jiggity jig.
I know most of you know from statues that a niece of ours passed away Friday……. well the was hit by a car…… she was walking very close to their house with a friend of hers…… Ash was only 12 years old…… a sweet angel!!! 1 of two of the most accepting people on that side of the family….. Darling angel will totally be missed….. but I believe all the “drama “ and “stresses” from this is what led to last night’s ER run….
So……. after much debating cause my head was splitting and eyes hurting etc.. I sent Keith to find a blood pressure cuff again….. a good friend said we should check and see… well I was 170’s/ 90’s the first time…. then I decided to try and lay down… it still steadily rose to about 182/110……….. Keith went to pick up ma, who came to stay with the boys a dear friend of his said we should get me to a hospital and that they would give us gas money.. to get there and back… ( we were low on funds and very low on gas…. thanks to what seems like a battle to get unemployment….)
Well, we got the gas and we headed to nac. first BP there was 160’s over 90’s….. still not good….. they went on and sent me up to L&D for monitoring….. oh and I also found out that….. I gained 9 freaking lbs since Wednesday!!!!!!!!!!!! *cries*
so L & d we went… Monitor monitor monitor…… yupp I should be so used to this….. they measured my fundus…. 53 weeks is what I am measuring now…. but that one stupid dr didn’t want to touch baby. HA! he’s gonna be coming on his own eventually you stupid heads !!!! and the nurse last night looked shocked they didn’t start steroids…… so they did a bunch of swabs, cathed me after a urine sample turned out having blood…. I do have a UTI now, started pills for that while there, my will you deliver prematurely with in two weeks came back negative……etc….. so…… few contractions on the screen and when I get em they are good ones.. but not in a “order” so I should still be safe…. Daniel did wonderful for this nurse!!! I’m so sad she’s in nac and not on the island, which come to find out after all the chatting we did all night. she is from the island and use to work there =) she was amazing!! anyways… longer story short…… I'm technically supposed to just lay around on my side.. trying to keep bp down…… and do noting more… but they didn’t state bed rest…………… so back home again this morning….. well after noon……LOL. I'm so tired and exhausted and worn out………
OH and guess what? why you fools are all fighting over goods and electronics and stuff that the day before you were so grateful for all you had……… but Friday you need more……. I will be fighting too……… for black Friday NST and BBS(??) and I believe more blood work and stuff…… just all in a hospital……. I get to participate in a hospital black Friday Ain’t I fun!
Oh and speaking of labs………….. They did take about 7 vials of blood and ran a ton of labs….. seems everything is ok…… (as a separate) but as a whole its more worry some shows how im very high risk. =( and I might be with in normal ranges of stuff but lots of it is so border line being either too high or too low…. it was very worry some…… like….. the PE symptoms…….. are more like HELLP symptoms like the one lady from FB said to look for!!! cause ,my WBC count is def low….. well not low low but on the very low side of “normal” spectrum……… see wasn’t my nursey a blast last night??? she told me everything…… and its cause of her I got to stay and be watched. =))
So home now……… Go back to Hosp on Friday… then I believe back to clinic on Monday………. trying to remember to keep yall all updated…………… promise!!!
Jessica and Lil D
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